Gaming News
via Stoopid Buddy Stoodios In a delightful turn from their renowned animated productions, Stoopid Buddy Stoodios, famed for their hit series Robot Chicken, is embarking on a new adventure into the...
As the calendar flips to November, gamers across the globe are setting their sights on an extraordinary event — the 15th annual Game Day by Extra Life, scheduled for November 4, 2023. This remarkable...
via Big Loop Studios Big Loop Studios, in a joint venture with Snapbreak Games, is set to launch Boxes: Lost Fragments on PC via Steam, their latest puzzle-driven adventure. If you enjoyed watching...
After continuously selling out just about as quickly as it gets restocked, the N64 Controller for Nintendo Switch is back in stock in Nintendo’s online store (at the time of this writing). The...
via PAX Unplugged The highly anticipated PAX Unplugged 2023 exhibitor list has started to roll out, with Disney Lorcana by Ravensburger leading a star-studded roster of tabletop gaming giants. Hosted...
via INDIE Live Expo INDIE Live Expo, Japan’s leading online platform celebrating indie games, is set to make a return with its Winter 2023 showcase and the esteemed INDIE Live Expo Awards. Fans...
via NACON NACON has unveiled its latest creation, the REVOLUTION 5 PRO, which is now available for pre-order. Slated for a U.S. launch on December 1, 2023, this PlayStation licensed controller is...
via Curve Games Curve Games, in collaboration with developer IronOak Games, has set the stage for its upcoming sequel, For the King II. Slated for a November 2, 2023 release on PC via Steam — as...
via Gunner Optiks As fans celebrate the release of Assassin’s Creed Mirage on October 5, 2023 for PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC, Gunnar Optiks is set to enhance the gaming experience...
via SAG-AFTRA Several major gaming corporations, including Activision, Disney Character Voices, Electronic Arts, Insomniac Games, Warner Bros. Games, and more, may be on the cusp of disruptions as the...
via SteelSeries SteelSeries, the pioneering eSports gaming and culture brand, has reintroduced its Limited-Edition Ghost Collection. This re-release showcases the award-winning Aerox 3 Wireless mouse...
via Jyamma Games Milan-based game development studio Jyamma Games has unveiled the technical showcase trailer for its highly-anticipated action RPG game, Enotria: The Last Song, at the Tokyo Game Show...